This picture was taken last week when the sun was shining. It's a very simply gravestone but there is a lot of text on this stone and a family history contained therein:
Katherine Graham Garnock
who died 1th January 1847
aged 17 months
interred in Glencorse
Joanna Garnock
wife of James E. Steele
who died on Friday 21 June 1889
aged thirtyfour years
death of its sting disarmed
she knew no fear
she tasted heaven e'en while she lingered here
John Garnock
died 22th Mary 1891, aged seventytwo years
for thirty siz years keeper of North Esk
reservoir, Carlops
and Barbara Wallace
his wife died at West Linton 8th Jan 1905
aged eighty seven years
Also Anne Sommerville Tod
beloved wife of William Frame
died at Harperrig mid Cal
der 26th March
1908 aged 27 years
Let her dear memory serve to make our
faith in goodnes strong
Also Sophia Bonar Garnock
died at North Esk reservoir
16th September 1919, aged 74 years
Elizabeth Garnock, died at
Silverburn, 8th August 1926
aged 76 years
On the pedestal there is another engraving, now partly covered by moss. I have a strict policy of not interfering with the gravestones so can't be sure what the full text once was. But I'm pretty sure it reads:
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
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