Monday, 16 January 2012

John and Janet Younger

The text on top of this tablestone grave reads:

The burial place


by John Younger Whim

for himself and Janet Younger

his daughter died the

26th March 1761

On one short side of this table grave there are the ubiquitous crossbones and

an hour-glass features on the other short side of this table-grave. It looks a bit mean there, I've come across many more beautiful ones, some winged. This one doesn't even fit the space very well.

This table grave is very close to another one, also dedicated to a John Younger (you can see the post here) which means that these persons were definitely related in some way. Is it the same John? The other one on the neighbouring stone died a lot earlier than 1761 so that seems unlikely. But it could have been a son of his, and a granddaughter.

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