Monday, 30 January 2012

Grace Tennant and John Aitken

A relatively recent stone but already it has bitten the dust so to speak. It's strange how it seems to be the more recent ones that have fallen over. The older stones were made more substantial and have stood the test of time.

The text reads:


memory of

Grace Tennant

wife of

John Aitken

who died 16th October 1910

aged 80 years

Also the said

John Aitken

who died 10th March 1913 (?)

aged 87 years

Also their daughter


died at Medicine Ha(or u?)t


19th Dec 1949

interred in Maple Creek Cemetary

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Janet and Jane Crawford

A very simply gravestone this with text that reads:


loving memory


Janet Crawford

who died here 1st January 1899

aged 68

Also Jane Crawford

who died 13th Dec'r 1910

aged 78 years

No place but by Christ therefore cleave to Christ

There is no indication of how they are related to each other but my guess would be they were sisters.

Friday, 27 January 2012

John Garnock and family

This picture was taken last week when the sun was shining. It's a very simply gravestone but there is a lot of text on this stone and a family history contained therein:

Katherine Graham Garnock

who died 1th January 1847

aged 17 months

interred in Glencorse

Joanna Garnock

wife of James E. Steele

who died on Friday 21 June 1889

aged thirtyfour years

death of its sting disarmed

she knew no fear

she tasted heaven e'en while she lingered here

John Garnock

died 22th Mary 1891, aged seventytwo years

for thirty siz years keeper of North Esk

reservoir, Carlops

and Barbara Wallace

his wife died at West Linton 8th Jan 1905

aged eighty seven years

Also Anne Sommerville Tod

beloved wife of William Frame

died at Harperrig mid Cal

der 26th March

1908 aged 27 years

Let her dear memory serve to make our

faith in goodnes strong

Also Sophia Bonar Garnock

died at North Esk reservoir

16th September 1919, aged 74 years

Elizabeth Garnock, died at

Silverburn, 8th August 1926

aged 76 years

On the pedestal there is another engraving, now partly covered by moss. I have a strict policy of not interfering with the gravestones so can't be sure what the full text once was. But I'm pretty sure it reads:

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

John French

As you can see this stone is set against the wall of the graveyard. The inscriptions reads:


by John French, shepherd Baddinsgill

in memory of

Sarah Graham

his wife who died 5th August 1867 (?)

aged 54 years

the above

John French

died 16th August 1889

aged 78 years

Oh call it not death: 'tis a holy sleep

the precious dust the Lord doth keep

he shall wake again, and how satisfied

with the likeness of him who for Him died.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

William Anderson

The inscription reads:

In Memory of

William Anderson

(Willie in the Valley)

a native of Yarrow

lived 40 years in this parish

died 30th Sept. 1892

aged 78 years

What a wonderful nickname and even better to have it mentioned on his gravestone!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Margaret Veith and John Hamilton

Photographed yesterday in a very snowy graveyard this is a relatively modern grave. The inscription reads:


loving memory


Margaret Veitch

beloved wife of

John Hamilton

who died at Alloa 27th May 1919 (could also be 18)

aged 46 years

Also the above

John Hamilton

who died 22nd July 1946

aged 82 years

interred at Alloa

Monday, 16 January 2012

John and Janet Younger

The text on top of this tablestone grave reads:

The burial place


by John Younger Whim

for himself and Janet Younger

his daughter died the

26th March 1761

On one short side of this table grave there are the ubiquitous crossbones and

an hour-glass features on the other short side of this table-grave. It looks a bit mean there, I've come across many more beautiful ones, some winged. This one doesn't even fit the space very well.

This table grave is very close to another one, also dedicated to a John Younger (you can see the post here) which means that these persons were definitely related in some way. Is it the same John? The other one on the neighbouring stone died a lot earlier than 1761 so that seems unlikely. But it could have been a son of his, and a granddaughter.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Andrew Bonthron

I've neglected this blog a bit and although I've been taken more pictures and notes I've not had time to upload them. But here is another most impressive grave monument. In the background you can see the gate through which you reach the Main Street from the graveyard.

The text on this stone reads:


to the memory of

Andrew Bonthron H.D.

for twentyeight years the highly valued and

esteemed physician in West Linton and neighbourhood

who died at Dalziel Cottage, 15th February 1889, aged 51

This Monument is erected by many friends

who truly mourn him

Annie Carnegie, wife of

died 5th November 1899, aged 53 years

Andrew C. Bonthron, the son

died 16th October 1890, aged 25 years

The details in the cross are particularly fine and inspirational to a quilter!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

John and William Blair

A stiff wind was blowing and it was very cold for my visit to the graveyard this morning. But it was a lot brighter than during the past few weeks so much better for photography. I owe all the information about the above gravestone to Sheila A. Scott's book Peeblesshire Monumental Inscriptions - pre 1855 as the inscription itself can no longer be read (at least not by me!) as you can see on the picture below

According to her this stone belongs to John and William Blair, and the stone also features (barely discernable now!) a pair of scales as well as a merchant's mark. She dates it back to 1709. As you can see moss is well on the way to gobbling up this stone completely and the carving is being worn away by the weather on a daily base. Without the book I would not have noticed the scales at all.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Christina Bertram and the Fraser family

This picture was not taken today (the weather was wild and windy) but in the period between Christmas and the New Year. It was very touching to see someone had left a lovely wreath on this grave monument.

The text reads:

In Memory of

Christina Bertram

wife of William Fraser

died 29th Jan (?) 1846, aged 44 years

Also Christina, his daughter

died 1oth July 1856, aged 21 years

Also Janet Brown, his wife

who died 10th Feb 1864 aged 35 years

Also Isabella, his daughter

who died 6th March 1881, aged 16 years

Also Lizzie MacGregor, wife of Richard Fraser

who died Mountaincross on the 19th June 1890, aged 27

The above William Fraser

who died at Castlelaw Glencorse

on the 3rd March 1893, aged 86 years


beloved daughter of

Marion and David Fraser

who died at Pattieshill on the

8th August 1911, aged 6 years and 9 months,

safe...............(text unreadable here)

Agnes, died 5th November 1932

aged 73 (or 78?)